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Is it possible to find the right work-life balance?

The right work-life balance is different for everyone. It could be finding the time to be active, be social, to partake in your favourite hobbies, to get on top of chores around the house, or to spend quality time with family and friends.

When I was younger, finding the right work-life balance was never really something I thought or worried about. I was ambitious, and the late nights in the office didn’t matter. It was only when, as a thirty-something-year-old, I had my son, making time for life so important to me.

Could I really be a good mum and wife, whilst still being ambitious?

Well, quite simply, yes… but this is only because I’ve been lucky enough to work for companies that want their employees to enjoy a work-life balance.

Don’t get me wrong, I still work hard to juggle all my commitments, daily routines and deadlines – and that can take its toll. But equally, being able to do the school run every morning, attend parents’ evenings and sports matches, meet friends, and eat dinner with my family every night makes it so much easier to cope with.

The key is to keep your priorities at the forefront of your mind, and I believe that lockdown forced people do this. Although it was a horrendous time for many, it was also the wake-up call that we all needed. Yes, work and clients are important, but so are our families, friends and our health – both physical and mental. Many companies made massive changes to the way they work to ensure the welfare of their staff when we all ventured back into the offices. And RBH was no exception. We went from five days a week in the office to three days in the office and two working from home. Productivity has remained high, and I believe morale has also improved as people feel more fulfilled, both personally and professionally.

For me, having those two days working from home means I can work, whilst also getting some of those little jobs done around the house in between writing briefs, Teams calls and getting stuck into a good spreadsheet – all of which previously I would have had to cram into precious family time on evenings and weekends. I also get to walk my dog during my lunch hour, getting a well-earned break, some fresh air, and the exercise my body needs. Which means I’m happier, less stressed, and can still achieve what I want to in my career. Most importantly, I feel fulfilled in all aspects of my life.

It’s likely that many people don’t think achieving a work-life balance is possible, but I truly believe working for a company that cares about its employees can definitely make it possible. As they say, ‘happy chickens lay better eggs’, and we certainly are happy chickens here at the barn!

Written by Helen Brough

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