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Organic Social development

Cameron Homes

Cameron Homes asked us to bring their social channels to life, helping them stand out from other home builders.


We were tasked with creating a campaign aimed at first-time buyers, as a means of demonstrating how we would use the Cameron Homes social channels to engage users going forward. Our secondary objective was to increase brand awareness, differentiating the brand from competitors.


In 2021, our target audience was millennials and the older members of Gen Z. Insights showed that the new culture of working from home was encouraging millennials to buy homes.


We created bespoke, editable templates and implemented a user generated content strategy – all with a consistent and engaging look and feel – that delivered a relatable and authentic stream of social content.


Between July 2021 and July 2023, we increased the Cameron Homes Instagram following by 57% and Facebook following by 15%, smashing industry benchmark figures. The client said, “Everyone who works on the account has been crucial in getting us to where we are now, and growing our social communities.”

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